Client Portal

Client Portal


The Amicus Client Portal opens up another layer of collaboration with clients. This feature gives clients real-time access to select Amicus matter information through a secure online portal.

A client can access their Client Portal only if they've been invited by a firm member and have set up their access. In the Portal, the client will see only their files that have been marked by a firm member for sharing, and on those files, they will see only the specific documents, notes, appointments, tasks, and custom fields that have been marked for sharing.

That is, firm members who have security permission may grant selected clients access to the Portal—to shared files, and to shared documents, appointments, tasks, notes, and custom fields on those files.

From the Billing Module a client can view and pay invoices and view receipt payments.

Clients may log in from their browser whenever they like and view the shared information. They can even upload new documents, add new notes, and fill in and edit information in shared custom fields. Those new items will become immediately available to firm members with access to the file.


Data is transmitted securely via the cloud—it is not stored on the computer where the client's browser is running. These transmissions utilize bank-grade 256-bit encryption. Documents are encrypted during transmission and while stored in the cloud.


        Configure Client Portal for the firm

        Set a firm member's Portal rights

        Invite a client to the Portal

        Check a client's or file's Portal status

        Manage a client's Portal access

        Share files with clients

        Share documents, notes, appointments, and tasks with clients

        Share file custom fields with clients

        View a list of items shared with clients on a file

        Apprised of changes made by clients or firm members

        Clients using the Client Portal

        View Invoices & Payments in the Client Portal

        Making Payments

        Sharing Bills and Payments

        Edit Payment Method


[Main Topics]

Amicus Cloud (July 2023)
