Billing > Create an invoice and finalize a bill
Preview the invoice(s) for a draft bill, and finalize the bill if desired.
1. From a Draft
Bill window, click Create Invoice.
Or, click the down arrow on the Create Invoice
button, and choose Simple Invoice or Detailed
2. Examine the
invoice(s) created from the bill
● If creating invoices for a client who has multiple files, a separate invoice is shown for each file, on a separate page.
● The PDF controls provided for printing and navigating the invoice(s) depend on your particular browser.
3. Finalize the bill
● Select or clear the "Send as email attachment" option: When you finalize the invoices on a bill, a new email will open automatically with details filled in and the invoice(s) attached.
● Click Finalize as PDF, Finalize as Word, or Finalize as Excel: If multiple invoices are created for a client, they will be stored separately. If an invoice is for a file set for e-billing, it is created and stored in the appropriate .TXT format as well.
● If sending the invoices as an email attachment: In the email that appears, edit the message and other fields as desired and then send it. If you are billing a client for multiple files together, the invoices for each of those files are sent in separate PDF, Word, or Excel attachments on a single email. If an invoice is for a file set for e-billing, an appropriate .TXT format attachment is sent instead—it includes appropriate task-based billing LEDES 1998B format data, for processing by the client.
● The bill is left as a draft bill and invoice numbers are not assigned.
● Batch billing - Create multiple draft/final bills
● Batch billing - Finalize draft bills, creating invoices
Amicus Cloud (July 2023)