Billing > Batch billing - Finalizing draft bills, creating invoices

Batch billing - Finalizing draft bills, creating invoices

Quickly finalize one or more draft bills, automatically creating their invoices.

1.     From the Billing view of Billing,  turn on multi-select , click on the radio buttons in the last column to select multiple files or clients, and click New.

2.     Choose batch options

        Print bills: Print the final bills created. If you selected clients to create bills for, and any of a client's files are set for bill emailing, then all of their batch bills are emailed rather than printed. A firm option controls whether emailed bills are included.

        Email final bills as attachments: Email invoices as attachments to each file's primary client (for those files that are set for bill emailing). If you selected clients to create bills for, and any of a client's files are set for bill emailing, then all of their batch bills are emailed.

If billing a client for multiple files together, the invoices for each of those files are sent in separate PDF, Word, or Excel attachments on a single email. If an invoice is for a file set for e-billing, an appropriate .TXT format attachment is sent instead—it includes appropriate task-based billing LEDES 1998B format data, for processing by the client.

3.     Click Finalize

        Any bills that cannot be finalized will be listed in a message and left as draft bills.

        Create a draft bill

        Create an invoice and finalize a bill

        Batch billing-Create multiple draft/final bills

        View your bills and payments (includes WIP files/clients list)

        Enable integrated billing for the firm

Amicus Cloud (July 2023)
