Document Assembly > Generate an email from a template

Generate an email from a template

From the Documents main view set to Templates, select an Amicus Editor template in the list and click Generate.

Or in the template editor, click Generate





        Choose to generate an email, if necessary.

        Identify the file and/or contact to base the output on.

Or in the details of a file or contact, click Generate Document



        Identify the file and/or contact to base the output on.

        Choose to output as an email.

        Find and select an Amicus Editor template.

Or in a new email, click Use Template


        Select a template in the list.

        Identify the file and/or contact to base the output on.

Review the email

        Values have been substituted for the variables – For example, "First Edition Publishing" in place of "[[File.Full_Matter_Name]]".

Where a value is unavailable, a blank or "(No data found)" is shown.

And where a variable bracket is missing, or the syntax of a command is incorrect, it is printed as is, making it easy to spot. (This kind of problem should be fixed while the template is being designed.)

        Edit content and formatting – Edit the text and change the formatting before sending or saving, if you like.

        What is document assembly?

        Generate a document in Word

        Generate an email from a template

        Customize document assembly features

Amicus Cloud (July 2023)
