Time & Expenses > Create an expense

Create an expense

Create entries for client recoverable expenses: photocopying, courier charges, filing fees, witness fees, etc.

From the Amicus taskbar in any view, click the down arrow next to New

If done from a file detail, that file is assigned by default.

Enter details

        File: Expenses on a file are accessible by all users assigned to that file

        Taxes: Choose whether to charge taxes if the expense type and file are taxable.

        Expense type: The name of the selected expense type defaults into the expense description.
If the expense is on a file set for e-billing, a task-based expense type must be selected. The name of the selected expense type defaults into the expense description.

        View your time entries and expenses list

        Customize expense features

        Enable time entry/expense posting for the firm

Amicus Cloud (July 2023)
